Screening, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

The screening and evaluation tests which the athlete will go through are as follows. The first test will be at the beginning of the preparatory phase, midway through the preparatory phase and just before the competitive phase.   

1.            Body fat (skinfold) 
2.            10m acceleration 
3.            30m acceleration 
4.            Flying 30m 
5.            T test 
6.            Shuttle run 
7.            1RM bench press 
8.            1RM back squat 
9.            1RM leg press 
10.          CMJ 

The evaluation of the athlete will use 1RM for core exercises as large muscle groups and multiple joints can handle high loads, while assistance exercises can use multiple RM tests (10 RM):   
1.            Bench press 
2.            Back squat 
3.            Vertical jump (CMJ) 
4.            Hang clean 
5.            Leg press  

Testing will continue throughout the season to gauge fatigue levels and lack of conditioning maintenance. Monitoring the athlete will reassess 1RM and 10RM for exercises just performed in the previous mesocycle.  

Progress Report 
The primary goal of the training plan was hypertrophy and the training plan has succeeded with this goal as an increase in muscle mass has been seen. After the prescribed training plan, the athlete has progressed well and has increased in muscle size and basic strength. The training using heavy resistance exercises will have stimulated an increase in muscle contractile protein synthesis. Training has caused an increase in cross-sectional fibre and muscle area. The increased fibre area is the result of an increase in myofibrillar area. This adaptation to the training is linked with to muscle satellite cells, as they play an important role in the hypertrophy process as the fibre increases in size, as well as by repairing or replacing fibres that are damaged in training.  
The training also aimed to increase ankle stability with prehabilitation exercises, this resulted in a strengthened ankle which was instable and had resulted in ankle sprains. The progress is positive as there has been no reoccurrence the of ankle sprains. Also now the athlete has improved their balance mechanics and changes of directions during agility drills.

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