Training Schedule

As the athlete is advanced in the training status, this means that they have a training allowance of 4-7 sessions per week (Baechle & Earle, 2008). As the athlete is in the off season and therefore has a main goal of muscle hypertrophy, this gives the athlete a training allowance for 4-6 sessions a week for the season he is in (Baechle & Earle, 2008).  The athlete has been given a training frequency of 4 sessions a week. This is the lower allowance for the athlete and the week will be split upper and lower body sessions twice a week. The split routine has been prescribed to allow the athlete to perform more exercises without increasing the training time too much, as exercises are divided over more days (Baechle & Earle, 2008). 

The tables below show the microcycle designed for the athlete. The lower body session which will be repeated Monday and Thursday are shown in table 2 and the upper body session which will be done on Tuesday and Friday are shown in table 3. The stage of season the athlete is currently in, dictates he should be working on individual skills and this session is shown in table 4.  

Table 1. Mircrocycle training schedule.

Table 2. Monday and Thursday lower body training session.

Table 3. Tuesday and Friday upper body training session. 

Table 4. Friday afternoon individual skills session. 

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